24ONLINE Info Technologies Private Limited is the Leading Provider of Hospitality Internet Access (HIA) Management Solutions and Service Management Solutions (SMS) Which Caters to ISPs, Hotels, Hotspots and Various Other Networks to Manage Their Wired, Wi-Fi, VSAT Networks. Newly Established in 2018, Our company, has formed a Separate Entity to Enhance its Presence and Reach Across the Market with the Legecy Brand Which was Launched in 1999 is Serving Global Customers Since Last 20+ years

We are available in different Range of Hardware Models by Which Customers can Choose their Choice Appliance as per their Concurrent User Network. The Modular Architecture of 24ONLINE Enables Clients to Choose their Choice of Features and functionalities Required to Enhance the Experience of the Users. In the addition to the Hardware Models, 24ONLINE is Now Also Available in Cloud & Software Based Business Models.

24ONLINE’s Product Line is Integrated with Several Products and Solution in the Market Which Makes it Interoperable and Vendor Agnostic Product to Work With All Types of Access Points, Controllers, Access Gateways, BRAS, BNGs, AAA, Billing and Network Management


24ONLINE has Strong Presence Accross India, Middle East, Africa, South East Asia & European Countries. We have More Than 2000+ Installations Accross 80+ Countries Catering to 1 Million Subscribers Globally. With More Than 250 Channel Partners Actively Supporting.

24ONLINE has 24/7 Support Team to Assist You with All Types of Network Queries Related to Our Solutions

Key Features of Enterprise-Grade Wireless Connectivity Solutions:

1. Access Management:

Access management allows administrators to control and manage user access to the wireless network. It enables the creation of user profiles, access levels, and authentication methods, ensuring only authorized personnel can connect to the network.

Access management is like having a security guard at the entrance of a building who checks IDs before allowing entry. It ensures that only authorized individuals, such as employees and guests with permission, can access the Wi-Fi network. This feature adds an extra layer of security, preventing unauthorized access and potential security breaches.

2. Internet Billing:

Internet billing enables organizations to monitor and manage internet usage, allocate bandwidth resources, and generate billing reports for different departments or users. It ensures fair usage policies and helps in cost management.

Internet billing is similar to keeping track of how much electricity each room in a house uses and then sending a bill accordingly. In an office setting, it helps in managing internet expenses by tracking usage and assigning costs to different departments or individuals. This feature promotes accountability and cost-efficiency by ensuring that resources are utilized effectively.

3. System Management:

System management features provide administrators with tools to monitor, configure, and troubleshoot the wireless network infrastructure efficiently. It includes centralized management consoles, real-time monitoring, and automated alerts for proactive maintenance.

System management is like having a control centre where you can see all the traffic on the roads, detect any issues, and make necessary adjustments to keep everything running smoothly. In the context of Wi-Fi solutions, it allows administrators to oversee the network, identify potential problems, and take corrective actions to ensure uninterrupted connectivity for users.

4. Bandwidth Management:

Bandwidth management enables organizations to allocate and prioritize bandwidth resources based on user requirements, applications, or time of day. It ensures optimal network performance and prevents congestion or slowdowns during peak usage periods.

Bandwidth management is similar to managing lanes on a highway, where certain lanes are designated for specific types of vehicles or purposes. In a Wi-Fi network, it regulates the flow of data, ensuring that critical applications or users have sufficient bandwidth to operate smoothly without being slowed down by non-essential traffic. This feature optimizes network performance and enhances user experience.

5. SMS Gateway:

SMS gateway integration allows organizations to send and receive text messages over the wireless network. It facilitates communication with employees, customers, or stakeholders using SMS notifications, alerts, or marketing messages.

An SMS gateway is like a post office for text messages, where you can send and receive messages to and from different people. In a corporate or government office, it enables seamless communication via text messages, allowing for quick notifications, updates, or reminders to be sent to employees or customers. This feature enhances communication efficiency and facilitates timely information exchange.

6. Payment Gateway:

Payment gateway integration enables secure online transactions and payment processing over the wireless network. It supports various payment methods and ensures compliance with industry standards for data security and encryption.

A payment gateway is like a cashier at a store who processes payments when you buy something. In an office setting, it facilitates secure online transactions, such as paying bills or purchasing goods and services, using the Wi-Fi network. This feature provides convenience and security for financial transactions, reducing the need for manual processing and paperwork.

7. Third-Party Integration:

Third-party integration allows seamless integration with external systems, applications, or services, enhancing the functionality and interoperability of the wireless network. It enables custom integrations with enterprise software, cloud platforms, or IoT devices.

Third-party integration is like connecting different pieces of puzzle to create a bigger picture. In the context of Wi-Fi solutions, it enables integration with other systems or applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, productivity tools, or smart devices, to enhance functionality and streamline operations. This feature promotes flexibility and scalability by allowing organizations to leverage existing investments and adopt new technologies seamlessly.

8. Multiple Gateway Load Balancing:

Multiple gateway load balancing distributes network traffic across multiple gateways or internet connections to optimize performance, reliability, and redundancy. It ensures uninterrupted connectivity and prevents downtime or bottlenecks.

Multiple gateway load balancing is like having multiple lanes on a bridge to distribute traffic evenly and prevent congestion. In a Wi-Fi network, it distributes data traffic across multiple gateways or internet connections, ensuring efficient utilization of resources and improving network reliability. This feature enhances scalability and resilience by providing failover capabilities and mitigating the risk of network disruptions.

9. Web Filtering:

Web filtering allows organizations to restrict access to certain websites or content categories based on predefined policies or criteria. It enhances security, productivity, and compliance by preventing access to malicious or inappropriate content.

Web filtering is like having a gatekeeper who checks the content of books before allowing them into a library. In an office environment, it enables administrators to control what websites or online content users can access, ensuring compliance with acceptable use policies and protecting against security threats. This feature promotes a safe and productive browsing experience while reducing the risk of malware infections or data breaches.


Enterprise-grade wireless connectivity solutions play a vital role in empowering corporate and government offices with reliable, high-speed internet access and robust network infrastructure. By leveraging advanced features such as access management, internet billing, system management, and more, organizations can enhance connectivity, productivity, and security across their operations. With the right Wi-Fi solutions in place, businesses and government agencies can stay connected, competitive, and future-ready in today’s dynamic digital landscape.

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